The Committee on Benevolence shall receive and consider all requests for assistance made of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Northern Virginia and Vicinity. This committee shall visit the sick when feasible; inquire as to the health and spiritual welfare of the sick and/or shut-in members; send "Get Well" cards to sick members and/or their spouses; send condolence cards and floral arrangements to the bereaved members and/or their spouses; and provide monthly updates to the Conference.
Rev. Howard Butler
The Committee on Civic and Social Action of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Northern Virginia and Vicinity shall keep the Conference informed of all pertinent civic and social activities with the goal of creating ecumenical activists for positive change in disenfranchised, marginalized communities of color for socio-economic and social justice balance in Northern Virginia and Vicinity, with quarterly social activity. This committee will inform the Conference of opportunities to be actively involved with the building and regenerating of marginalized communities; to have a voice in local, national and international politics that includes subjects of faith and disenfranchised communities; to create avenues for challenging conversations concerning the socio-economic imbalance and social injustice in America, particularly, the Northern Virginia and Vicinity area, in order to create positive change and equality; to lead and be physically involved in civic and social actions to implement change for the betterment of marginalized churches and communities; and to get involved with civic and social activities, as relevant needs arise.
The Constitution committee is a standing, closed committee appointed by the Executive Board of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Northern Virginia and Vicinity. This committee shall periodically review the Constitution and Bylaws of the Conference to discover discrepancies between the written document and the actual operational practice of the Conference. When such discrepancies are deemed to be inconsistent with the spirit of the Constitution, recommendations will be made to the Executive Board for modifying the practice to conform to the standards and precepts set forth in the Constitution. Where the operational practice is deemed to be more in line with the goals and objectives of the Conference or where errors and/or omissions exist in the Constitution, the committee will draft and present proposed amendments to said Constitution for adoption by the entire Body. Such amendments where appropriate will be proposed annually.
Rev. Robert M. Yancey
Historian shall prepare a narrative account of the Conference activities during his term of office, which, when approved by the membership, will become a permanent part of the Conference’s history. As a starting point for producing a complete history, the immediate goal of the Historian is to seek out bits of the Conference history from current and past members, organize it and present it in a chronological order and highlight the important events of our past. This historical record shall include relevant documents, photographs, recordings and videos.
The Committee on Membership is to examine all applicants for membership and report its findings to the Body. The committee will maintain forms submitted by applicants and work along with the Financial Secretary and Treasurer in maintaining information. A letter will be distributed to all members, new and old. Once new members join, the Membership committee will contact member for further Conference involvement and participation.
News Reporter shall prepare and present relevant and current news to the Conference body, at the regular meeting or when breaking news occurs. These reports will include but not be limited to headline, religious, economic, political, and sports news.
Rev. Patricia Fears
The Nominating committee of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Northern Virginia and Vicinity is a group formed from inside the membership of the Conference for the purpose of nominating candidates for office within the organization. The intention is that they be made up of qualified and knowledgeable people representing the best interests of the membership. The Nominating Committee will assemble a list of willing and qualified candidates for officers of the Conference when the time comes to select their leaders.
Rev. Elton Wilson
The Programs Committee is comprised of members of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Northern Virginia and Vicinity who are most familiar with the approaches and operations of the organization's programs. The Programs Committee is responsible for overseeing new program development, and to monitor and assess existing programs; to initiate and guide program evaluations; and to facilitate discussions about program priorities for the Conference. They will also be responsible for securing speakers for the Order of the Day, Ministerial Enrichment and monthly forums.
Rev. James Gibson
The Scholarship committee of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Northern Virginia and Vicinity shall manage the funding and administer the distribution of scholarships from the two existing Scholarship Funds. The committee will also work with the Ways and Means committee to identify techniques for increasing the donations to these Scholarship Funds.
Rev. Yolanda Gantt
The Technology Committee of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Northern Virginia and Vicinity strives to be an asset to the Conference in the following areas: provide cutting edge ministry tools for clergy and churches, connect in the technology world through video media platforms and social media, and create opportunities for the Conference to fellowship, worship, and train together.
Min. Marcus Ferguson
The Ways and Means committee of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Northern Virginia and Vicinity is a body that is charged with reviewing and making recommendations for budgets. Because the raising of revenue is vital to carrying out Conference operations, this committee is tasked with finding the ways and means with which to raise that revenue.
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